ESAF Bank Recruitment 2022 | Apply Now

ഇഎസ്à´Žà´Žà´«ിൽ അവസരങ്ങൾ

ESAF à´¸്à´®ോൾ à´«ിà´¨ാൻസ് à´¬ാà´™്à´•്, à´¬ാà´™്à´•ിംà´—് à´¸േവനങ്ങളും à´šെà´±ിà´¯ à´µാà´¯്പകളും നൽകുà´¨്à´¨ à´’à´°ു ഇന്à´¤്യൻ à´¸്‌à´®ോൾ à´«ിà´¨ാൻസ് à´¬ാà´™്à´•ാà´£്. 2017 à´®ാർച്à´šിൽ à´’à´°ു à´šെà´±ുà´•ിà´Ÿ ധനകാà´°്à´¯ à´¬ാà´™്à´•ാà´¯ി ഇത് à´¸്à´¥ാà´ªിതമാà´¯ി

à´•േà´°à´³ം, തമിà´´്‌à´¨ാà´Ÿ്, കർണാà´Ÿà´•, മധ്യപ്à´°à´¦േà´¶്, മഹാà´°ാà´·്à´Ÿ്à´°, ഛത്à´¤ീà´¸്à´—à´¡്, à´°ാജസ്à´¥ാൻ, à´…à´¸ം, à´œാർഖണ്à´¡്, പശ്à´šിà´® à´¬ംà´—ാൾ, ഹരിà´¯ാà´¨, à´’à´¡ീà´·, à´¬ിà´¹ാർ, ഉത്തർപ്à´°à´¦േà´¶് à´Žà´¨്à´¨ിà´µിà´Ÿà´™്ങളിà´²ാà´£് à´ˆ à´œോà´²ി à´’à´´ിà´µുകൾ.


To manage cash transactions in the Branch accurately with due diligence and ensure adherence to established procedures and guidelines as well as service standards within the branch.

Responsible for Branch operations, increasing the Bank’s customers, business development and MIS reporting and compliance and service quality at the branch.


● Profile Graduation (regular) or PG in any discipline with 2+ years of relevant Experience in cash management.


Sales Officer / Sales Officer Trainee

Responsible for increasing the Branch’s Sales volume, Exceptional customer services, Acquisition of new customers and business development.


● Applicants must have a graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized University without any backlogs or Graduates (Full time degree).

● A flair for sales and marketing is mandate. Candidates awaiting results can also apply.


Branch Operations Manager

Responsible for Branch operations, increasing the Bank’s customers, business development and MIS reporting and compliance and service quality at the branch.


● Profile Graduation (regular) or PG in any discipline with 2+ years of Branch Banking and a flair for sales and marketing is mandate.


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